Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A brief overview...

...of an overdue update:
Art happened.
It was critiqued, and found variously good, bad, and improving.
The artist FINALLY understood some things that everyone had been trying to tell her. Only took three months.

Well, in response to most of the feedback I've been getting for my recent body of work, I have moved (kicking and screaming) into low-fire glazes and clays, though I'm still producing a little high-fire functional work on the side and using the occasional bit of cone 10 clay.
I take forever to convince, but I will readily admit that low-fire is so. much. better. for what I'm doing now that I've tried it.  No pics of completed cone 06-02 work yet, but here is a pretty of the mushroom I posted weeks ago. It is fired and finished and I love it (mostly).

 The responses I get on the finish intrigue me. 1/2 the people love it, the other half hate it. I both. The stem is a rutile variation of Bauer Clear, and it brings out the texture well, *I* think. Not crazy about the color, but it works. I don't have a good shot of the cap yet, but that worked out quite nicely - a gradation from yellow-brown to green, with deep highlights in the cracks.
And here is a bone dry critter of beastliness.  I'm doing more texture now that I've worked out a) what teachers/classmates meant in their critiques and b) how to achieve the desired results without wanting to stab the thing to frustrated death half way through.

Tomorrow, if the kiln behaves, I will have the first FULL crop of low-fire beasties and environments.  And then next Wednesday is my 1st year review. Lord willing, there will be 2 more kiln firings between now and then.
